Sep 23, 2016 | Internet Marketing Services, Search Engine Optimization, Web Sales
Online advertising is crucial to sales these days. People aren’t looking at billboards and buying products; they aren’t reading the newspaper and seeing adds for good and services like they used to. Instead, nearly all advertising is done online, making business...
Sep 9, 2016 | Consumers & Customers, Internet Marketing Services, Search Engine Optimization, Web Sales, Website Tips
Anyone seen Miley’s latest tweet? Don’t worry, she’s just being Miley. Did you know that she has 30.5 million followers? While that may sound like a lot, it doesn’t even come near to the amount of followers Katy Perry has! According to the Twitter Counter, she...
Apr 9, 2016 | Internet Marketing Services, Web Sales
Online shopping is fast becoming the primary way many of us get the items we need. We place an order from our smartphone or tablet and the item shows up within just a few days (or even hours!) right on our doorstep. For many, the convenience of online shopping far...
Mar 31, 2016 | Internet Marketing Services, Search Engine Optimization, Web Sales, Website Tips
There is no question about the fact that proper online marketing of your business is critical to its success. The last decade has put a smartphone and/or tablet in everyone’s hand and it is easier than ever to do your research on a product or business in an instant...